...right out of a movie
Cross the pond and hang out in Detroit, South Chicago, Baltimore, New Orleans, Compton for a while. Not a movie.
loaded gun under her car seat was picked up off the floor and the kid shot her in the back...the day before on facebook she boasted about his shooting skills.
what is wrong with this picture?
...right out of a movie
Cross the pond and hang out in Detroit, South Chicago, Baltimore, New Orleans, Compton for a while. Not a movie.
loaded gun under her car seat was picked up off the floor and the kid shot her in the back...the day before on facebook she boasted about his shooting skills.
what is wrong with this picture?
The opposite of crazy is still crazy. Archie was a right-wing bigoted nut-job, and his son-in-law. "Meat Head," was a wishy-washy, lazy-assed hippie.
This is so common nowadays, ESPECIALLY on this site: the tendancy of people to fully embrace one form of 'crazy' over another, without taking time to sort through the issues on their own. I don't know if it's due to all the time indocrinated in the JW cult, that some feel the need to cling to a brand...or jump on a bandwagon of some kind. Now, I've just offended some of you...well boo f-ing hoo. Send your little 'dislikes' to me if it makes you feel better. LoL.
loaded gun under her car seat was picked up off the floor and the kid shot her in the back...the day before on facebook she boasted about his shooting skills.
what is wrong with this picture?
Three negatives? Whatever. Just do as Simon sarcastically put...give guns to EVERYONE. Then we'll ALL be safe. Forget discipline, forget SOP, forget regular training and qualifications standards. Let any dip-shit with a pulse own a gun. Fucking brilliant. Hell, maybe I'll let my 9 year old take my Beretta to school!!
And just what the fuck has Rubio and Trump got to do with this, or any other politician?! The kid just vanquished his own mom for Chrissakes, and will have to live with it for the rest of his life. She was still a fucking idiot though.
loaded gun under her car seat was picked up off the floor and the kid shot her in the back...the day before on facebook she boasted about his shooting skills.
what is wrong with this picture?
There's our 'well regulated militia.' Fucking idiotic bitch. With freedom comes responsibility!
Though I don't condider myself a 'gun-nut.' I do own a 9mm Beretta, a shotgun, and a deer rifle. I secure these pieces with the same level of vigilance that was instilled in me by Drill Sgt. Davis way back in the day at Ft. Jackson. So much as leave my M-16 unattended for a second, and I'm getting 'smoked' by the DS (in front of the whole platoon) and knocking out multiple pushups in the S. Carolina heat. That, and his war stories about VC infiltration during 'Nam, left an impression on me. Of course, I needed that level of discipline, because I was young & dumb!
Grown-ass adults with kids should just fucking know better.
the wife leaves it all around, not sure if this is by design i don't think so since the return to jah brochure was never left out.
it drives me a bit nuts but haven't done anything about it.
looking for ideas on what i should do?
The JWs I've shown this to don't seem to get the joke. It's a parody (psuedo religion), which mocks culty religions (religion in general). It seems to borrow heavily from JWs and Scientology.
In the 80s, it was common to see stenciled 'Dobbs Heads' (Google it) around college campuses. Here are some of their 'tracts' you can put inside her Watchtower book-bag:
the wife leaves it all around, not sure if this is by design i don't think so since the return to jah brochure was never left out.
it drives me a bit nuts but haven't done anything about it.
looking for ideas on what i should do?
Do what I did.
Go buy the "Book of the Sub-Genius," and leave it on the kitchen table, or in the bathroom:
part of the "last days" in the bible teach book indicates that : "a report from the worldwatch institute states: “three times as many people fell victim to war in [the 20th] century as in all the wars from the first century ad to 1899.” more than 100 million people have died as a result of wars since 1914.
"that seems to be quite the statement, given mankind's history of war, which, for the most part, seems to have only dimished since 1945.fact-checking that quote shows that, first of all, it is not a quote by the worldwatch institute, but is actually a paper written by one of its contributors (michael renner) in 1999.
( http://www.worldwatch.org/system/files/wp146.pdf ) additionally, that paper references a table (done by a different researcher) that indicates that the 20th century not only has the most war-related deaths, but far and away the greatest ratio of deaths at 44.4 per 1,000 population.
Just show the J-dubs THIS, whenever they quote something about 20th century wars.
This should shut em up...for a while, anyway:
i was just reading through some posts and had a startling realization.. the comment that sparked this went something like this: why oh why when i started into this in 1989 did i not research the history of the wtbts?
etc....... i too was studying and moving towards baptism around that same time.
i got dunked in dec of 1990.. my thought.
To illustrate my earlier point, here are two screen shots, based on a Google News search.
This was from a search under the words 'Jehovah's Witness:'
This result is from the term 'Methodist Church:'
See a difference? I just chose 'METHODIST' randomly. You'd probably get a similar result from 'Nazarene,' or 'Lutheran.' Anyway, I don't see how anyone, in THIS day and age of instant information, in the Western world, could fall for such a twisted religion/cult as the JWs. Not saying the Methodists are all saints, but JUST LOOK AT THE F-ING DIFFERENCE between those search results!!
during the post-awards interview, the director said that the story is not over.
it's still ongoing.
could this have been a vieled jab at jws, and/or a hint at a spotlight part 2?
i was just reading through some posts and had a startling realization.. the comment that sparked this went something like this: why oh why when i started into this in 1989 did i not research the history of the wtbts?
etc....... i too was studying and moving towards baptism around that same time.
i got dunked in dec of 1990.. my thought.
As for the younger JWs being more IT savvy, there is no doubt. But, imagine you are a householder, and you simply 'Google' the term 'Jehovah's Witness.' Don't type 'abuse,' or 'lawsuits,' just 'Jehovah's Witness.' Then, click the Google "News" icon. Try it, right now...
...got it? See the results? They are from actual news outlets, not random 'apostates.' Now ask yourself, as a non-JW householder, why would ANYONE in their right mind be attracted to this group? With headlines like "Groomed Girl for Sex," or "Pedophile Cover-up," or "JW Elder Arrested for Abuse," I would RUN, not walk away from JWs at my door, or at the outdoor carts!! I'd also give them a piece of my mind before slamming the door in their smug faces.
I think the JW.ORG IT department, is mostly impressive to those who are already in, and that it will continue this way. The very fact that sites like THIS one are checked out by so many JW 'lurkers' speaks volumes. Social media has more than 'leveled the playing field.' And, as I mentioned, only the most gullible, and uninformed Non-JW would be attracted to this cult.